Programming Laboratory


Project covering topics 1-3

First project requirements:

Create a program that will read data from a file / console and save it to a file.

The program should use any (of your choice) Java library available in the Maven repository (it can be e.g. a library for text processing, creating pdf, excel, data processing, artificial intelligence etc. - any).

At the beginning of the program, the user should provide the secret password using the console. The password should be checked for correctness

  • contain at least 8 characters, but no longer than 20 characters

  • contain at least one small and big letter

  • contains a letter

  • contain a special symbol, one of the (* . ,)

If the given password does not meet the criteria, the program does not continue until the user gives the correct number.

Write tests for the classes - one for the method of checking the correctness of the password and another for any other class from your project (the one that used external library). In the project, use streams and at least two data structures (set, map, list, stack, etc.). One of the stream should return a data structure and one stream should not return any result. The use of structures does not have to be "sensible" it might be artificial just to show that you can do it.