''Programming Laboratory''

Date Materials
03.10.2019 Integrated development environment (IDE)
10.10.2019 Debugging and Testing
17.10.2019 Streams + Eclipse Collections
24.10.2019 JSON + XML
07.11.2019 Iteration I Testing, Maven, Logger, Streams, Collections 20% Project definition can be found here.
14.11.2019 Hibernate
21.11.2019 Application servers - Tomcat
28.11.2019 REST API + SPRING
05.12.2019 No classes, you can come and ask question or show project
12.12.2019 Iteration II 20% Hibernate + JSON/XML PROJEKT
19.12.2019 Spring Boot
09.01.2020 Frontend
16.01.2020 Project
23.01.2020 Project
30.01.2020 Iteration III whole application 60% Project description

Classes: Programming laboratory PRP LI0 9CA Czwartek 15.30 D-2

Final mark: Project in any chosen technology according to requirements given in class. 20% Project I, 20% Project II, 60% Project III